
Spitzer's sex scandal

There is something we just don’t talk about it. But it happens.
So I wrote down my questions about PROSTITUTION:
Don’t get me wrong. Just out of curiosity...

a) Why is it mostly men?
b) What should the punishment be?
c) Why do people end up in this job? (high-end prostitution)
d) Should the police print names if it is illegal?
e) Should it be legal? Why/ why not?
f) If it is legal: Rules? Age? Health test? Location? Money-back? Prices?
g) Should porn be legal?
h) Should strip clubs be legal?
i) What about sex tourism? What about ONS?
j) What about someone I knew went to one?
k) How does that thing affect society?

Hope everyone I know won’t get involved in “any kinds” of scandal, especially my husband.

"How to face your cheating partner, Mrs. Spitzer?"
To me, that's the only thing worth exploring in Spitzer’s sex scandal.
